
Landing a Commodities Trading Job: 9 Insider Tips for Career Switchers

Commodity trading offers a dynamic and lucrative career path for individuals seeking a change in their professional trajectory. As a specialized field within the financial industry, commodities trading involves the buying and selling of raw materials or primary goods such as gold, oil, wheat, and natural gas. To successfully transition into this exciting domain, it is essential to equip oneself with the necessary knowledge, skills, and strategies.

In this article, we present nine valuable tips to help career changers secure a job in the field of commodities trading.

Learn Nonstop

To be a successful commodity trader you need to understand commodity markets, including their mechanics, terminologies, and factors influencing prices.

Enroll in finance courses on Coursera, follow the market, and start your trading portfolio to improve your understanding of the industry. This will demonstrate self-interest and commitment to potential employers.

A good couple of recommended books are The Prize, The World For Sale, and Market Wizards.

Stay Updated

Following the market leads to an understanding of the market. Discover the underlying market trends, news, and global events that impact commodity prices.

Regularly follow industry publications, financial news channels, and online resources to stay informed about market dynamics and make informed trading decisions.

Create a Network

Develop a strong professional network by attending industry conferences, seminars, and trade shows.

Connect with experienced traders, brokers, and professionals within the commodities trading sector. Twitter is a fantastic place to start.

Networking can provide valuable market insights, mentorship opportunities, and potential job leads. Additionally, you’ll get lots of valuable insider knowledge and tips.

Intern at Traders:

Consider internships or apprenticeship programs with commodity trading firms or financial institutions.

The majority of commodity traders -including myself- started from the bottom. You will also most likely start in support or operation even if you already have previous experience.

These opportunities provide hands-on experience and an opportunity to learn from experienced professionals and may get you a chance to land a job as a commodity trader down the line.

Develop Analytical Skills:

Commodities trading requires strong analytical abilities to assess market data, identify patterns, and make informed predictions. STEM graduates have certainly the upper hand.

Strengthen your quantitative and analytical skills by practicing data analysis, using financial modeling tools, and familiarizing yourself with statistical techniques commonly used in the field.

Learn Excel, Python, SQL, and financial derivatives/options theory.

Focus on Risk Management:

Risk management is crucial to succeed in commodities trading.

The best traders are those individuals who can effectively assess and mitigate risks associated with trading commodities.

During interviews or in your resume, showcase your relevant experience or knowledge of risk management strategies. Whenever possible, quantify the impact you had.

Highlight any past roles where you successfully implemented risk management techniques and achieved positive outcomes. Emphasize your ability to identify potential risks, develop contingency plans, and adapt your trading strategies accordingly.

At its core, commodity trading is about people and numbers. This means commercially focused people who can analyze and manage risk effectively and profitably.

Start Trading:

Utilize trading simulators and virtual platforms to gain practical experience in commodity trading. Many brokers offer demo accounts for new traders to try their strategies.

In our view, it is better to avoid simulators and put in real money (even if it’s just a couple of hundred dollars). Trading with real money switches you on and is unlike anything you’ll experience trading on a demo account.

Either way, these platforms simulate/offer real-time market conditions, allowing you to practice trading strategies, test your skills, and build a track record that can be showcased during interviews.

Hiring managers and trading heads will almost certainly require you to have market experience. Again, it’s not about the size of the portfolio, but about ‘being in the market’.

Focus On The Fundamentals:

It’s very often about the basics: an understanding of price formation, financial markets, economic indicators, and macroeconomic trends.

Stay familiar with concepts such as supply and demand, inflation, interest rates, and geopolitical factors impacting commodity prices. Demonstrate your knowledge by referencing relevant economic indicators and explaining how they influence market movements.

Stay updated with global financial news, market trends, and historical price patterns to identify opportunities and risks. Trading houses value candidates who can navigate the complexities of financial markets and articulate their understanding of how these factors shape commodity prices.

A strong grasp of these concepts will enhance your credibility as a commodities trader.

Adapt to the Market

Highlight your ability to thrive in a fast-paced and unpredictable environment. This is important; trading is a highly dynamic profession.

Commodity markets can and will be volatile, requiring traders to adapt quickly to changing market conditions and maintain composure during high-pressure situations.

Thanks to your prior work experience, you may be able to prove your resilience, problem-solving skills, and ability to make swift decisions under uncertainty.


    These nine expert tips offer a compelling roadmap for ambitious individuals who want success in the world of commodities trading. Incorporate these tips into your career strategy, and you’ll be well-positioned for demanding roles at leading trading firms.

    Keep always learning, stay ahead of market trends, and build a powerful network of industry professionals. This will help you change your career and become a commodity trader.

    Breaking into the commodity trading industry is hard, thus one recommended way is through internships or apprenticeships. Most traders start from the bottom as trading support or operators.

    Step by step, you too can thrive in the fast-paced, high-risk high-reward environment of commodities trading. And remember, once a trader always a trader.

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