
How To Write A Great Cover Letter

If you want to land a good job, make sure you know how to write a great cover letter. A good cover letter will capture the attention of a busy recruiter and get you the interview you need. Keep reading and learn how to compose an effective cover letter.

How To Write A Great Cover Letter

The most important goal when you write a motivation letter is to capture the attention of your reader (engage him) and spark interest to further look at your CV/Resume with attention.

RELATED: 5 Tips That Will Land You A Commodities Trading Job

Find below the optimal cover letter structure.

Use Our Optimal Cover Letter Structure

Probably the most important advice in how to write a cover letter: Keep it simple, and make it short.

Probably the most important advice in how to write a cover letter: Keep it simple, and make it short.

Make sure you spark interest, and do not forget to use the spell-check.

1st Part: Salutation (One-Liners)


  • You should always try to address the cover letter to the recruiter/manager who will be reading it. Use LinkedIn and track the person who is more likely to be the hiring manager.
  • If you don’t have that information, just go for a: “Dear Sir or Madam”, “Dear Hiring Committee”.

One sentence reference

  • Refer to the application details, so that the cover letter can be linked to a hiring process.
  • For example: “This is an application for the Junior Aluminium Trader position Ref. 1235”

2nd Part: Body (Short Paragraphs)

First Paragraph: Who Am I?

  • Indicate your current job or major
  • If applicable, indicate the name of the person who recommended you
  • What are your best selling points or accomplishments?
  • Use action words such as created, developed, introduced, increased, managed, mobilized, pioneered, raised, reduced (for costs and negative dimensions), reorganized, solved, and upgraded.
  • Use solid adverbs such as collaboratively, consistently, decisively, positively, proactively, rapidly, and successfully.
  • Avoid toxic words such as abandoned, failed, gave up, lost, stress, weak, and withdrew.

Second Paragraph: Why Did I Chose To Apply?

  • Why did this company and position spark your interest?
  • Create a connection with specific projects, values, or culture.

Third Paragraph: Why Should You Hire Me?

  • What do you bring to the table?
  • Support your claims with evidence and link it to information in your CV/Resume
  • Remember that this is the fundamental question; why should they hire you?

3rd Part: Closing (Very Short Paragraph)

  • State that you are looking forward to an introductory meeting or call.
  • Provide your contact details here again (email and phone number).
  • Indicate the best way to reach you.
  • Say thanks
  • Name and signature
Cover letters are underrated. You can clearly differentiate yourself from the rest of the candidates with a sharp cover letter.

Final tips

  • Remember that recruiters read hundreds of cover letters per day. Try to make their life easier and write clearly and concisely.
  • Use an easy-to-read font such as Open Sans, Roboto, or Arial in a generous size.
  • Do not exceed the length of an A4 page. It shows the ability to focus on the important.
  • Avoid starting sentences with “I”, as it sounds amateurish. Sound professional!
  • Customize your cover letters to each of your applications and proofread each letter.

Now that you know how to write a great cover letter, it’s time to apply.

Did you find a good job posting? Make sure your CV is also ready and apply soonest! Next, remember to prepare your interview and crack it!

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